Why work from your kitchen, when you can work on a beach?
Most itineraries collect dust on personal drives
Inspire, plan and share your next adventure with Nomad
Modular Trips
See something you like from a friend’s itinerary? Save it for later and add it directly to your trip.
Connected Trip
Nomad itineraries help you organize your entire trip: transit, accommodations, rentals, activities, restaurants and anything in between.
Plan with your friends in real time with collaborative editing.
Option Tool
Deciding between a hotel, Airbnb or a hostel? Compare location and price for options of every aspect of your trip.
View and manipulate your itinerary next to a map or as a calendar-esque schedule.
Content Creators
We empower anyone to be a travel influencer; your itineraries and planning will drive your following, not just your photos..
Web Based
We know complex trips are often planned on your computer, not your phone (don’t worry we still have a mobile version).
Completely Free
Nomad is free to use and allows you to make money from your itineraries